LobbyGuard & COVID-19: Best Practices to Minimize Exposure
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting many aspects of our lives and how we interact with others. We all have the responsibility to decrease the spread
Government buildings around the country, including police departments and local municipalities, rely on LobbyGuard® Visitor Management System to balance demand for public access and increased need for security.
Visitor security systems ensure that the thousands of visitors, employees, and vendors passing through your facility are screened and verified safe to be in your building.
LobbyGuard is the perfect visitor management system for government offices of any size — from Local to State to Federal capabilities. Our system offers screening, checking, and tracking visitors entering your government office or facility and offers kiosks to fit the needs of all lobby types.
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The LobbyGuard Visitor Management System for government environments provides your building with the following benefits:
Perform instant background checks on all visitors against a “Red Flag List” of individuals banned from your building and select criminal databases. LobbyGuard supports hundreds of forms of identification including military ID, state ID, and foreign and domestic driver’s licenses.
Streamline the check-in process with the advanced “Scheduled Visitor” feature to provide security personnel a list of visitors expected on a given day. Screening visitors in advance provides an additional layer of security.
Provide your visitors with an up-to-date directory of employees through integration with your Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP server installation. The employee is immediately notified of visitor arrival via email and/or text message.
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting many aspects of our lives and how we interact with others. We all have the responsibility to decrease the spread
Outdated, unreliable paper-and-pencil visitor logs are not enough
Visitor Management Solutions for Security, Compliance, and Savings.
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